Residents of six western states are being asked to throw out any green leaf lettuce they bought between the third and sixth of this month 西部六州的居民被要求扔掉本月3日到6日间购买的绿叶生菜。
Residents of six western states are being asked to throw out any green leaf lettuce they bought between the third and sixth of this month 政府要求西部六州的居民扔掉本月3号到6号间买的散叶莴苣。
Residents of six western states are being asked to throw out any green leaf lettuce they bought between the third and sixth of this month 西部六个州的居民被要求丢掉本月三号至六号购买的绿叶莴苣。
Residents of six western states are being asked to throw out any green leaf lettuce they bought between the third and six of this month 居住在西部的六个州的居民被要求扔掉购买于这个月的第三天到第六天的所有绿叶蔬菜。
Residents of six western states are being asked to throw out any green leaf lettuce they bought between the third and six of this month 居住在西部的六个州的居民正在被要求扔掉任何购买于这个月的第三到第六天的绿叶生菜。